Metatarsus adductus is a foot deformity where the metatarsals shift inwards and cause the forefoot to bend towards the body resulting in a bean shape.
More Information:
Feet that are affected by metatarsus adductus have a curved bean shaped appearance. The forefoot is turned towards the body while the ankle and heel area of the foot may range from normal to valgus. In some cases there may be a large gap between the big toe and the other toes.
The exact cause of metatarsus adductus is unknown. However, it is believed that the condition may be caused by an abnormal position of the fetus while in the uterus or a mother’s insufficient production of amniotic fluid.
Diagnosis Methods:
Metatarsus adductus can be diagnosed through observation and a physical exam.
Most children with metatarsus adductus will naturally improve over time without any intervention.
Stretching exercises, splinting, bracing, and/or series casting may be required in cases where the foot is fairly rigid and fails to improve independently. Surgery is only considered in rare cases where the condition persists past age four or five and all other treatment methods have proved insufficient.