We found Dr. Feldman after getting frustrated with our doctor telling us to “wait and see what happens” with Ben’s deforming ankle and bowing arm. Ben was diagnosed with MHE at 18 months old. The “wait and see” approach worked ok when he was small, and you couldn’t really tell he had MHE. The older he got the more you could tell bones weren’t growing properly. It was such a relief to find Dr. Feldman and find out that he sees MHE on a daily basis and has a clear understanding of what will happen to the bones if they aren’t corrected. During our first appointment with Dr Feldman he went through every joint and every limb and told us which ones were a problem, which ones were not going to be a problem and which ones we needed to keep an eye on. He looked at the whole picture and worked on a plan to address the entire problem with the goal of giving Ben a pain free future. MHE is not rare at the Paley Institute. He corrected Ben’s arm, ankle and hips with amazing results. We love Dr. Feldman. He has become part of the family.